MISSION | Science Made Equal
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Who are we?

Mission Statement


Dear friends,


Science Made Equal, or ScienceMade, is an organization we started in May 2020 with the goal of expanding scientific knowledge and literacy to members of our community in a personable way. All too often, science is viewed as a cold and exclusive institution. But the truth is, science touches each of our lives in fascinating ways. That is why we hope to foster an all-encompassing environment: whether you are a curious passerby or simply have time on your hands, welcome! We truly believe science is for everyone.


Over the past decade, we have made strides towards diversifying the scientific community. That being said, we have a long way to go. Discrimination of all sorts still plagues the scientific world, most prominently in that of race and gender. How can we uplift each other as scientists if we put each other down for our identities? Our identities make us unique, and we believe this should never be a barrier for success.


Our hope is that with this organization, we can help individuals realize their potential, not just as scientists, but as humans. We are in the process of kickstarting new blogs, events, and partnerships to make this dream a reality. Especially in these trying times, let's move forward with the goal of bettering our world and bringing our community closer, one step at a time.



Emily and Steven | ScienceMade CoFounders

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